Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Shingles and Chiropractic

So, can chiropractic cure shingles? Of course not. But, neither can Medicine. There is no cure for shingles, a condition that causes extreme pain to those afflicted.

Shingles is a condition where the Chicken Pox (herpes zoster) virus settles into a person’s nerve root and causes no problems until activated, usually by stress. Once activated, the entire nerve is affected causing extreme discomfort and pain. Unfortunately, there’s little that can be done to alleviate the problem other than try to lessen the symptoms.

However, many sufferers of shingles have found that finding ways of reducing and dealing with stress keeps the virus from becoming active. One of those ways is getting adjusted by their chiropractor on a regular basis. Chiropractic adjustments help balance stress on the nervous system. Reducing that stress helps prevent shingles outbreaks and helps your body recover quicker when there is an outbreak.

If you suffer from shingles, I encourage you to find a wellness chiropractor whose focus is on the upper cervical spine.

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