Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Good Morning America - Can neck adjustments lower your blood pressure?

I wrote about this a few weeks ago. But, apparently a new study by the University of Chicago shows the benefits of specific chiropractic adjustments of the upper neck can have dramatic effects on blood pressure patients.
Follow the link for the full text of the article.

Friday, March 14, 2008

American Healthcare: A Failed Paradigm

One of the overriding issues in America is health care. It affects virtually every aspect of domestic policy, including politics, business, the economy and personal lives of Americans from the poor to the very rich.

Sadly, in this current political season the answer seems to NOT be on solutions other than offer us more of the same with so-called "universal coverage" for everyone. In other words, the system we have now sucks, so everyone should suffer through it equally. When I discuss this, my Conservative and Liberal friends respond with something like, "What do you mean? We have the best health care system in the world!" But still, both sides simply approach the problem as an insurance problem. Too bad.

In my mind, the problem with health care in America is that the entire paradigm is flawed. From birth, we're indoctrinated into the disease model and that drugs can prevent or cure any mallady. In other words, we must prevent and fight disease.

So, we start babies off with "their shots". While I believe vaccination should be a matter of choice, the number and types of shots recommended for babies and toddlers really is an assault on their developing immune system and is downright scary. Then throughout their early school years, many kids are "diagnosed" with ADD/ADHD and given narcotics grade drugs to force them to sit still so they can do better in school. And then (ironically) complain about athletes taking drugs to enhance their performance. Strange.

As we enter adulthood, we're convinced that giving birth is a traumatic and dangerous event that must be handled strictly in a medical setting. Why aren't women in modern America told that giving birth is a natural, beautiful thing for which they were uniquely designed. Instead of empowering women to do what they were naturally designed for, we scare them into compliance with a pathological, allopathic model of childbirth.

Further into adulthood, Americans are checked routinely for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and a host of other chronic conditions. And when measures creep outside established norms, they're put on medications to force that particular reading to what the doctor thinks is right. Unfortunately, every drug has a side effect. And, we Americans hardly ever ask our doctors "What is in this drug?" or "What are some potential side effects of this drug?" or "How will this affect me with the other drugs I'm taking?" Instead, we simply comply.

Then as we enter middle age, we start seeing problems like liver and kidney failure, congestive heart failure, etc. and become regular visitors to the local hospital. As the drugs either no longer work or our bodies start to shut down from weird symptoms that can't easily be classified, we begin to "doctor shop" to find someone who can come up with an accurate diagnosis.

Eventually, we end up in a nursing home being given dozens of different drugs and put through untold numbers of tests until our bodies finally give in and give up. From birth to death we are taught to fear and fight fever, vomit and diarrhea. And because our focus is on disease, we create disease. Two of the largest and most profitable industries in America just happen to be insurance and drug companies. have you noticed all the new "diseases" being advertised on TV, like "Restless Leg Syndrome", GERD and a host of others? And, have you checked to see how much money those industries invest in advertising and political lobbying?

So, what's the solution? Well first, we must recognize that our entire premise is wrong from the start. Just like our education system and tax code, we need a whole new way of thinking. Maybe it was Einstein who said "No problem can be solved with the same level of thinking that created the it in the first place".

Instead of a system that makes someone else responsible for finding or preventing a disease; or your employer (or worse, the Government) paying for your "health" insurance; or expecting Medicare/Medicaid to pay for your dying care, we should give individuals responsibility for their own health.

In a wellness paradigm, you start with the premise that you're supposed to be healthy! Instead of sitting around watching TV, eating junk food and smoking cigarettes, we encourage folks to exercise, stay fit, eat better and do those things that keep them healthy and out of harm's way. Instead of a mangled care system that minimize the time you spend with "a" doctor, you find the doctor that's right for you and develop the kind of relationship that makes you healthier and gives you greater control over your health and your life.

After all, this is STILL America, "home of the FREE and land of the BRAVE"! The American pioneer spirit has always been responsible for our strength and prosperity. We should get rid of this "plantation mentality" where the Government or an employer should take care of us. As one writer wrote, "you are endowed with the seed of greatness". By realizing and pursuing that greatness in every aspect of life in America, we can restore our nation's health and vitality and reduce our dependence on drug makers and insurance companies.

Live the very best life you can. Don't give your freedom and power to anyone!

High Blood Pressure and Chiropractic

Raise your hand if you know someone taking drugs to lower their blood pressure. Well. That's about 100%. We ALL know someone doing that. And, I guess we all know why. "Unresolved" chronic high blood pressure can supposedly cause stroke, congestive heart failure and kidney failure. In other words, modern Medicine must coerce people through fear to take drugs to control a body function.

Unfortunately, those prescribing drugs for high blood pressure rarely know what is causing a patient's problem. In fact, they may not even stop to think that there may be a GOOD reason for a person's elevated blood pressure. It just might be that there is some condition causing their body to NEED more blood. Most prescriptions for blood pressure medications rarely consider the CAUSE of the problem, whatsoever.

Virtually all prescriptions for blood pressure drugs come in one of four categories: diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. And remember, these drugs only mask the symptom of some unknown condition while having NO healing properties AND even the least toxic ones can have deadly side effects.

So, the title of this article implies that high blood pressure can be positively affected by chiropractic care. You might be asking "What the heck does chiropractic have to do with high blood pressure?" I'm glad you asked. While some folks think chiropractic may be great for back pain, they rarely consider that what chiropractic adjustments really do is take pressure off either specific nerve roots or off the entire nerve system altogether, or both. For our purposes here, I want you to consider something called the Vagus Nerve.

The Vagus Nerve is a very special nerve located in an area called the brain stem. The brain stem is located just below the brain and just above the spinal cord. One of its jobs is to regulate your heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and many other functions. In fact, the Vagus Nerve is kind of like the reset switch on your computer. When things lock up, one of the first things you try is the reset button. Most times, that resolves the problem.

Everyone's heard of the body's "fight or flight" mechanism where you gear up for a fight or an to escape a life threatening situation. In our rushed and harried world, many of us stay in this "fight or flight" mode due to chronic stress. Over time, this causes chronic high blood pressure. Our diet and lack of exercise also contribute to the problem. Yet, few doctors recommend stress reduction, diet and exercise as a means of dealing with high blood pressure.

So, how do chiropractic adjustments help lower blood pressure? Specific adjustments of the bone at the top of the neck, called the Atlas, can help reduce stress on the brain stem. Reducing stress on the brain stem can stimulate the Vagus Nerve, helping to slow down your heart rate and lower the blood pressure. There are lots of technical explanations for this. But, this article is directed at people who want to get off drugs and lower the blood pressure naturally, not someone looking to justify the use of drugs. In short, chiropractic adjustments of the upper cervical spine stimulate what's called the parasympathetic nervous system, or the reset button for the "fight or flight" mechanism.

While any good chiropractor can adjust the upper cervical spine, I believe the best results come from specific upper cervical adjustments. And you just might realize other benefits from upper cervical chiropractic adjustments, like better sleep, digestion and elimination. maybe even better sex. But, that's a topic for another day.

Drugs in Your Drinking Water

This drug-culture thing has simply gone too far! The Associated Press released the results of a months long investigation into the drinking water of dozens of major US cities and found traces of various medications in the water supply. If every drug has a side effect, how would some of these drugs affect a healthy person, especially with prolonged undetected exposure?

How long before the Congress tries to pass legislation making it impossible to sue drug manufacturers or municipal water treatment agencies for health problems caused by exposure to dangerous drugs in our drinking water?

AP Probe Finds Drugs in Drinking Water.

FDA Warning! Tussionex has Life-threatening adverse events

MedWatch logo MedWatch - The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting ProgramFDA informed healthcare professionals of life-threatening adverse events and death in patients, including children, who have received Tussionex Pennkinetic Extended-Release Suspension (Tussionex). The reports indicate that healthcare professionals have prescribed Tussionex for patients younger than the approved age group of 6 years old and older, and more frequently than the labeled dosing interval of every 12 hours. Tussionex is contraindicated for use in patients less than 6 years of age because of their susceptibility to life-threatening and fatal respiratory depression.

Patients have administered the incorrect dose due to misinterpretation of the dosing directions, and have used inappropriate devices to measure the suspension. Overdose of Tussionex in older children, adolescents, and adults has also been associated with life-threatening and fatal respiratory depression. Prescribers should be familiar with the dosing recommendations of Tussionex before prescribing. In addition, patients and caregivers should use a properly marked measuring device to measure Tussionex to prevent overdose.

Read the complete 2008 MedWatch Safety Summary, including links to the Public Health Advisory, Information for Healthcare Professionals, and the Prescribing Information at:


Healing Faith

The most powerful drug known to Mankind can't be found in some exotic plant in the Rain Forest. Nor, is it a miracle of modern science. Nor, is it so expensive that only the rich can afford it.

In fact, the most powerful drug ever known is the sugar pill, the placebo. The efficacy, or effectiveness, of any drug is compared against the effects of the placebo. Only when it is shown that the new drug is better than nothing more than sugar (and a suggestion) is it approved for use on the consuming public. And, the great thing about the placebo is that it has NO side effects! And, it FREE!

Surely, it's not the sugar in the pill that makes the placebo so powerful. Of course not. The power of the placebo is something already inside the patient. As much as "scientists" hate to admit it, the ingredient that makes the sugar pill so powerful is faith. Faith that the pill will actually work! Faith that healing is STILL available.

Several studies ("scientific" double blind studies) in recent years have shown that a doctor praying for his/her patients actually helps the patient heal faster and better than when no one prayed for the patient, at all. Other studies have shown that patients with a loving family and/or a strong spiritual life heal quicker and better, as well.

What is it about faith (or the "placebo effect") that is so powerful? Is it simply hope? Or is there more? I believe it's much more than mere hope. Hope implies that you're not sure of a certain outcome, but willing to give it a try. OR, "I've tried everything else, so I might as well give this a try". You might have some level of confidence in the science or technology behind a doctor's recommendation. But, that's about it.

Faith is much more. Faith is KNOWING that you will get the best outcome possible. So, you move forward with confidence that all the factors have aligned in your favor. When you ACT with faith and unwavering confidence, you improve your odds greatly.

BUT, there's an essential element of faith that's required to mobilize it in your healing, ACTION. It has been said that "Faith without action is dead". I guess that says it all. By taking action toward your healing (or ANY objective for that matter) you exhibit your faith. When you take action, you're actually telling your body to mobilize all its parts and mechanisms to do the job for which it was designed. You literally get out of the way and allow the mechanism to work.

This is not spiritual hocus pocus. Your body was designed for self-healing and self-repair. It KNOWS to rush blood to an injury. It KNOWS how and when to use the inflammatory response to begin the healing process. It KNOWS the right amount of what hormones and chemicals to dispense for ANY given situation. Unfortunately we often impede (or delay) our own healing many times with outside interventions.

Here's the point. You were designed to be healthy, to heal and to be whole. Not using your faith is like trying to wash your car without using water or not taking your sponge out of its wrapper. You just make things harder for yourself.

So, how do you use your faith ACTIVELY? Pray for your healing. And when you pray, DON'T BEG! Ask, knowing that it already done. In other words, give thanks for the healing that you've already received just not yet revealed. Healing is a process. It takes time! Give it time! Then start doing the things you would do IF you were healed. Again, behave as you would were you already healed. Study health and healing. Understand the symptoms of healing. That's right. There are symptoms that reveal that healing is taking place. Unfortunately, many of those symptoms are treated as signs of pathology. ow sad that the very signs of healing can be interpreted as just the opposite. Finally, rejoice. Celebrate in advance of the physical evidence of your healing. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel simply by accepting your gift of healing.

In closing, I want to urge you to use your faith actively in all aspects of your life. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish merely by believing YOU CAN! You were designed to do and be greater than you've ever been allowed to believe you could be. I honestly believe that you were designed to imagine possibilities. And IF you can imagine it, you can have it. BUT, you MUST believe. And as has been said "Your faith has made you whole".

May you prosper and be in good health!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Chiropractic

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder, affecting some 58 million Americans. Yet it's also one that many people aren't comfortable talking about because the signs and symptoms may be embarrassing. Some signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are:

  • Abdominal cramping
  • Bloating and gas
  • Diarrhea, constipation or both

Many people have only mild signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Sometimes the problems can be disabling, however. In some cases, you might have severe signs and symptoms that don't respond well to medical treatment.

For most people, IBS is a chronic condition, although there will likely be times when the signs and symptoms are worse and times when they improve or even disappear completely.

No one knows exactly what causes irritable bowel syndrome. Some researchers believe it's is caused by changes in the nerves that control sensation or muscle contractions in the bowel. Others believe the central nervous system may affect the colon. And because women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with IBS, researchers believe that hormonal changes might also play a role.

Irritable Bowel symptoms can be triggered by a range of things from gas or pressure on your intestines to certain foods, medications or emotions. Many people have an intolerance for dairy products. If you suffer from IBS, you'll know shortly after eating or drinking dairy products. Another trigger is stress. Most people with IBS find that their signs and symptoms are worse or more frequent during stressful events, such as a change in their daily routine or family arguments.

Because it's not clear what causes irritable bowel syndrome, medical treatment tends to focus on the relief of symptoms. Some of the treatments include anti-diarhheal drugs, anticholinergic (these drugs suppress the nervous system) drugs and even anti-depressants. Bear in mind, all of these drugs have side effects, some even fatal.

The most effective means of prevention of IBS symptoms has been stress reduction and management. Some forms of achieving stress reduction is psychological counseling, biofeedback, exercise, yoga, massage, meditation, deep breathing exercises and even hypnosis.

One of the most telling realizations about Irritable Bowel Syndrome is that no one knows what causes it, yet it is usually made worse with stress and better when stress is reduced. As with seizures and high blood pressure, specific chiropractic adjustments (that affect the parasympathetic nervous system) have helped many individuals suffering from IBS, even ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

If you're suffering from these chronic (and sometimes debilitating) condition, wouldn't it be worth giving chiropractic a try? No drugs, no side effects. If you'd like to give chiropractic a try to help restore some balance in your life and health, let me know. If I'm not in your area, I'll be glad to help you find a good chiropractor near you.