Friday, March 14, 2008

Healing Faith

The most powerful drug known to Mankind can't be found in some exotic plant in the Rain Forest. Nor, is it a miracle of modern science. Nor, is it so expensive that only the rich can afford it.

In fact, the most powerful drug ever known is the sugar pill, the placebo. The efficacy, or effectiveness, of any drug is compared against the effects of the placebo. Only when it is shown that the new drug is better than nothing more than sugar (and a suggestion) is it approved for use on the consuming public. And, the great thing about the placebo is that it has NO side effects! And, it FREE!

Surely, it's not the sugar in the pill that makes the placebo so powerful. Of course not. The power of the placebo is something already inside the patient. As much as "scientists" hate to admit it, the ingredient that makes the sugar pill so powerful is faith. Faith that the pill will actually work! Faith that healing is STILL available.

Several studies ("scientific" double blind studies) in recent years have shown that a doctor praying for his/her patients actually helps the patient heal faster and better than when no one prayed for the patient, at all. Other studies have shown that patients with a loving family and/or a strong spiritual life heal quicker and better, as well.

What is it about faith (or the "placebo effect") that is so powerful? Is it simply hope? Or is there more? I believe it's much more than mere hope. Hope implies that you're not sure of a certain outcome, but willing to give it a try. OR, "I've tried everything else, so I might as well give this a try". You might have some level of confidence in the science or technology behind a doctor's recommendation. But, that's about it.

Faith is much more. Faith is KNOWING that you will get the best outcome possible. So, you move forward with confidence that all the factors have aligned in your favor. When you ACT with faith and unwavering confidence, you improve your odds greatly.

BUT, there's an essential element of faith that's required to mobilize it in your healing, ACTION. It has been said that "Faith without action is dead". I guess that says it all. By taking action toward your healing (or ANY objective for that matter) you exhibit your faith. When you take action, you're actually telling your body to mobilize all its parts and mechanisms to do the job for which it was designed. You literally get out of the way and allow the mechanism to work.

This is not spiritual hocus pocus. Your body was designed for self-healing and self-repair. It KNOWS to rush blood to an injury. It KNOWS how and when to use the inflammatory response to begin the healing process. It KNOWS the right amount of what hormones and chemicals to dispense for ANY given situation. Unfortunately we often impede (or delay) our own healing many times with outside interventions.

Here's the point. You were designed to be healthy, to heal and to be whole. Not using your faith is like trying to wash your car without using water or not taking your sponge out of its wrapper. You just make things harder for yourself.

So, how do you use your faith ACTIVELY? Pray for your healing. And when you pray, DON'T BEG! Ask, knowing that it already done. In other words, give thanks for the healing that you've already received just not yet revealed. Healing is a process. It takes time! Give it time! Then start doing the things you would do IF you were healed. Again, behave as you would were you already healed. Study health and healing. Understand the symptoms of healing. That's right. There are symptoms that reveal that healing is taking place. Unfortunately, many of those symptoms are treated as signs of pathology. ow sad that the very signs of healing can be interpreted as just the opposite. Finally, rejoice. Celebrate in advance of the physical evidence of your healing. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel simply by accepting your gift of healing.

In closing, I want to urge you to use your faith actively in all aspects of your life. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish merely by believing YOU CAN! You were designed to do and be greater than you've ever been allowed to believe you could be. I honestly believe that you were designed to imagine possibilities. And IF you can imagine it, you can have it. BUT, you MUST believe. And as has been said "Your faith has made you whole".

May you prosper and be in good health!

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