Friday, November 30, 2007


Beware of relying on drugs as a means of achieving or maintaining health. Check out this story about the Food and Drug Administration and popular flu drugs Tamiflu and Relenza. Can you afford to trust your child's health to the pharmaceutical industry?

FDA Advisers Back New Warning on Tamiflu

The most widely used flu drug in the world should carry a stronger warning label about psychiatric problems seen in a handful of patients, government advisers said Tuesday.

A panel of experts to the Food and Drug Administration recommended drug maker Roche change the warning label for Tamiflu, which has been used by 48 million patients since its launch in 1999.

The drug's label already mentions reports of delirium and self-injury, primarily among children in Japan, but some FDA's experts suggested the language should mention several patients died as a result of these abnormal behaviors. The panel was discussing specifics of the language late Tuesday.

For the full story CLICK HERE.

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