Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Drugs Don't Work!

That sounds like a pretty bold statement. Maybe it is. But frankly, if drugs worked there‘d be no more chronic disease like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and so on. Sadly, chronic disease is the leading cause of death of Americans. The treatment of those diseases is reported to also be among the leading causes of death.

Maybe in one sense drugs do work in that they might provide temporary symptom relief. However, their purpose is to fool the body so that it responds inappropriately to certain conditions. By altering your body’s normal function, drugs cause problems for other systems that may not be revealed for years to come.

Everyone’s heard about Vioxx and Celebrex and the risks those prescription drugs carry, including death. In recent months the popular diabetes drug, Avandia, has been shown to also put you at risk of heart failure. Kids diagnosed with ADD/ADHD who take drugs like Ritalin and Adderol are at risk for problems ranging from stunted growth and insomnia to suicide. Anti-depressants have been implicated in numerous mass murders, including Columbine and Virginia Tech. Even common over-the-counter drugs for colds, arthritis, allergies and headache carry significant health risks.

What is this fascination we have with drugs? Granted, Mankind has been self-medicating itself since the beginning of time. However, that was on an individual basis and self-limiting. But I’m afraid our societal love affair with drugs is having (and will have) a long-term negative impact on the health of our economy, health care system and well being of our nation as a whole.

Have we evolved (or devolved) as a species to the point where we can’t tolerate any discomfort, whatsoever? If so, how can we ever survive? I’ve never seen a dog or cat complain of a headache or depression. When they’ve eaten something bad, they don’t reach for the Pepto Bismol. They simply throw up and move on. But we humans, having dominion over all the Earth, can’t survive without taking a pill to manage a headache, a fever, diarrhea, constipation, blood pressure or whatever.

By this time, you’re probably thinking I’m some sort of nut. Drugs have all been researched and approved by the government and wouldn’t be on the market if they weren’t safe. Right? Well, I would only ask that you check out the facts and compare them with what you know or what you have seen. Some of you will probably say, “I’ve been taking drugs all my life and have never had a problem”. But, a good many of you will honestly “You know, I’ve been taking drugs for so long, I can’t remember. But, he’s got a point. I’ve STILL got my problem!” And there’s a reason why you’ve still got that problem.

For the most part, drugs have only one purpose, managing your symptoms. While temporary symptom relief is not a totally bad thing, it’s never a permanent solution. Think about the addict that continually escapes from their problem by getting drunk or high only to find their problem has worsened If he’d deal with his real problem his life would take on new meaning, power and significance. So it is with you. Find the source of your problem and correct it.

OK. So what can you do to get off some of your medications? The first thing I recommend is to take some time to consider your lifestyle. Are you overweight? Do you exercise, at all? What do you eat? Got stress? After you’ve taken a serious look at some of the things you might be doing to make yourself sick, make a plan to begin to change some of those habits. Even better, think about the life you want to live and start living it. As you begin to pursue health, it will pursue you. As you clean the crap out of your system, your body will function better and you’ll feel better. Find a good wellness chiropractor, a nutritionist, a personal trainer, drink tons of water and maybe even find a family doctor who will help you get off the drugs. Live the life you want and you’ll rarely need to cover up the parts that don’t work perfectly.

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