Sunday, January 13, 2008

Can chiropractic...?

One of the questions I always get about what I do is “Can chiropractic help my problem?” One of the objections I’ve heard for years, even before my real introduction to chiropractic is “Chiropractors believe chiropractic can cure anything from the common cold to cancer”.
Well, I’ve been a chiropractor for eight years now. And, I’ve been around it for 19 years. And, I’ve learned two things. Sure. Chiropractic can help. And, no chiropractic can’t cure you. Now let me explain.
Chiropractic is not magic. It’s not voodoo. And, it’s not Medicine. It’s unique in a wonderful way. Chiropractic is based on the premise that the body is organized to always seek its own highest good.
Your nervous system controls and coordinates all your body’s functions to make sure that happens. Stress on the nervous system can affect how well your body functions.
All the chiropractor really does is remove (or reduce) one source of stress on your nervous system. When that happens, your body functions better. When your body functions better, health improves and, usually, symptoms go away.
Yesterday, a business associate told me that he didn’t believe that chiropractic could help his problem with seizures. I thought that was a little ironic since the reason I am a chiropractor today is a little girl (Rockie) who suffered from seizures until she began to see a chiropractor.
But, can chiropractic cure seizures, cancer or even the common cold? Of course not! The first chiropractic adjustment cured a man of his acquired deafness, yet not every deaf person who’s gotten adjusted has had their hearing restored. Having said that though, let me say that I would NEVER refuse to adjust someone because they had cancer, seizures or a common cold.
In my practice, I accept ALL cases regardless of their condition because I know that the human body is capable of far more than I (or science) can even imagine AND that if I can remove a source of interference in how their body functions there is no telling what might happen.
I learned long ago that miracles DO happen only when we step out of the way and allow them to. Really, the real miracle is that we ever allow the body to function as it was originally designed.
So, back to original question. Can chiropractic help my problem? Yes, of course.

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